Pastured Poultry

Pastured Poultry | Fresh Eggs | Pastured Pork | Grass Fed Beef

After studying many ways of raising meat birds, we felt compelled to use a model of Joel Salatin’s, an American
farmer, lecturer, and author.  We build and use 10′ x 12′ portable shelters to keep our chickens in.  These “Chicken Tractors” are moved every day to provide them with fresh clean grass and bugs to eat. The moves also provide clean ground free of manure along with fertilizing the previous ground.

Why a shelter?   The chicken tractor shelters are for the birds protection.  We have many wild animals wondering through our land including coyotes, raccoons, skunks and foxes.  All these little critters seem to enjoy chicken as much as we do.  Although the birds are in a shelter they have plenty of fresh air and are free to run around the shelter.  With the daily pasture moves the chickens in a single shelter have over 4,000 square feet of fresh pasture to live on.

Just grass?   Chickens would typically not be able to ingest enough nutrients from grass and bugs alone, so we provide them with free choice feed.  We support our local farmers and purchase locally milled grower ration.  Our birds are never given any medication/drugs or hormones.  They live happy healthy lives enjoying the fresh air, sun and stress free living.

From our field to your freezer….  🙂

Click Here to order your chickens.

Pastured Poultry | Fresh Eggs | Pastured Pork | Grass Fed Beef